Are you looking to get a loan from a bank or some financial institutions? Then, you should be having a good credit rating or a good credit score. A good credit standing will help you to ease the processing of loan and may fetch you a low interest rate if you are good in negotiating. So you have to check your credit reports frequently. Now comes the question, how to get a credit scoring/credit rating report?
- You have to login into the website called [Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd].
- You have to pay a nominal fee of Rs. 450 to have access to your credit report.
- One you pay the requisite fee, as stated above, you will get the registration ID.
- Then you have to give some details about you to the site and few other things such as a scanned copy of address and identity proof.
- To have a solid verification, you will be asked three questions in the site pertaining to your credit history.
- Once you are done with the above step, you will get your credit report within four days by e-mail.
- But, due to some reasons, there are chances for the verification process to go wrong or fail. In such circumstances, you need to send through courier a photocopy or printout of your payment receipt along with the copies of address and identity proof (both should be self attested). This time, you will get the credit report at your doorstep in 10 to 12 working days.
I had no idea my credit was bad. The guys at Credit Sudhaar analysed my report. The process took some time but my credit was restored, enhanced and protected. I have no reason for complaints.